#強制封城 #強制隔離 #反人類罪 #違憲

A New York Supreme Court judge this month quietly ruled that regulations mandating that people infected with or exposed to highly contagious communicable diseases be quarantined are a violation of state law, declaring them null and void.

“Involuntary detention is a severe deprivation of individual liberty, far more egregious than other health safety measures, such as requiring mask wearing at certain venues. Involuntary quarantine may have far-reaching consequences such as loss of income (or employment) and isolation from family,” Ploetz wrote.

The judge added that there was “no scientific data or expert testimony” to back up the rule.

#紐約最高法院 的一名法官本月悄悄裁定,#強制隔離 感染或暴露於高度傳染性傳染病的人的規定違反了州法律,宣布這些規定無效。

“ #非自願拘留 是對 #個人自由 的 #嚴重剝奪,遠比其他健康安全措施更加惡劣,例如要求在某些場所佩戴口罩。非自願隔離可能會產生深遠的影響,例如失去收入(或就業)和與家人隔離,”普洛茨寫道。

