#停電 #斷網 #EBS #EAS

The US Department of Homeland Security claims that American “extremists” have designed concrete plans to attack the nation’s power grid in hopes of paralyzing the government and stirring unrest.

AP obtained a report from the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis which claimed extremists in the country had “developed credible, specific plans to attack electricity infrastructure since at least 2020.”

Extremists allegedly belonging to “a range of ideologies” will “likely continue to plot and encourage physical attacks against electrical infrastructure” based partially on the idea that “disrupting the electrical supply will disrupt the ability of government to operate,” the report said.

#美國 #國土安全部 聲稱,美國“ #極端分子 ”制定了具體計劃來攻擊該國的 #電網,以期癱瘓政府並引發騷亂。

#美聯社 從國土安全部情報和分析辦公室獲得了一份報告,稱該國的極端分子“至少從 2020 年開始製定了攻擊電力基礎設施的可信的具體計劃”。

