【誠邀參與研究:英格蘭東南部 香港社區 成年人的學習需求】


The Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services (CSES) (http://www.cses.co.uk) 正在代表英國非營利組織 the Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) (http://www.wea.org.uk) 開展一項研究項目,通過教育支持成年人。

CSES 是一家擁有多年研究和政策研究經驗的獨立諮詢公司,現受 WEA 委託進行一項研究,與英國港僑協會和 香港人移居英國 (Hongkonger in Brighton) 合作, 以了解英格蘭東南部香港社區成年人的學習需求。

這項研究的目的是評估最近移居英格蘭東南部的香港人在進入勞動力市場和創業方面所面臨的挑戰。為此,CSES研究團隊非常期待與您交談的機會,以幫助WEA了解香港人目前在英國需要的教育和培訓。根據您分享的信息,The Workers’ Educational Association(WEA)將設計一個學習計劃,以支持居住在英格蘭東南部的香港人。

研究訪問會以線上形式進行將約 45 分鐘。整個訪問過程將會嚴格保密, CSES 不會與任何人分享您的個人資料。所有訪問中收集的資訊只會用於分析,並以匿名格式提交調查結果給 WEA。

如果您願意幫助研究,請提交線上表格 (https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/HongKongers_in_UK_Survey) 給CSES。訪問問題請參閲: https://bit.ly/3yDbJMr,訪問將在未來3週內進行。


【Invitation to participate: Study to understand the learning needs of adults of the Hongkongers community in Southeast England】


The Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services (CSES) (http://www.cses.co.uk) is carrying out a research project on behalf of the Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) (http://www.wea.org.uk), a UK non-profit organisation supporting adults through education.

CSES is an independent consultancy with several years of experience in conducting research and policy studies, who has been tasked by the WEA to carry-out a study to understand the learning needs of adult members of the Hongkongers’ community in the Southeast of England. CSES is partnering with Hongkongers in Britain and Hongkongers' in Brighton in this research.

The purpose of the study will be to assess the challenges related to entering the workforce and starting a business faced by the Hongkongers who recently moved to the Southeast of England. To this end, the members of the CSES research team would be very grateful to get the chance to speak to you to help them understand the current educational and training needs of Hongkongers in the UK. Based on the information you share, the Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) will design a learning programme that will be offered to support the Hongkongers living in the Southeast of England.

The online interview will last less than 45 minutes. Your answers to the interview will remain strictly confidential, which means that CSES will not share your name or details with anyone. They will use your answers only for the analysis and present the findings to the WEA in anonymised format.

Please let CSES know through this online form (https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/HongKongers_in_UK_Survey) if you would be willing to help with the study. You may read the interview questions here: https://bit.ly/3uIjYET. The interviews should take place over the next 3 weeks.

Many thanks in advance.