Cheltenham Community Forum and Screening (09/04/2022)

Cheltenham 《時代革命》放映會暨社區論壇已在星期六順利舉行,多謝110位香港和本地參加者,更多謝一班義工幫忙,使活動能順利進行。特別鳴謝國會議員Alex Chalk到場向香港人致歡迎辭,並與香港人交流融入本地社區的心得。
Thank you all Hongkongers and locals for coming to the community forum and screening of the documentary ‘Revolution of Our Times’.
Big thanks to all the volunteers who made this event a success.
Our heartfelt thanks to the Member of Parliament for Cheltenham Mr. Alex Chalk for giving a warm welcoming speech to Hong Kong arrivals and sharing tips on how to integrate to the local community.

Malmesbury Community Forum and Screening (10/04/2022)

Malmesbury 《時代革命》放映會暨討論會已在星期日順利舉行,多謝所有出席的香港人和本地朋友。

Thank you everyone for coming to the community forum and screening of the documentary ‘Revolution of Our Times’.

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#時代革命 #英國香港人 #Swindon #Malmesbury #Marlborough #Cheltenham #HKB #RevolutionofOurTimes #ROOT
#Bristol #Bath #Gloucester #Worcester #Cirencester #Chippenham #Hereford #車特咸