伯明翰免費社區活動 Community activities in Birmingham - free of charge!

於伯明翰舉行的活動 - 星期二 Sessions in Birmingham - Tuesdays, 10:00am-12:00pm

15/03/2022 – 遊覽伯明翰市中心Tour of Birmingham City Centre
22/03/2022 – 伯明翰運河健行Wellbeing Walk along the Birmingham canals
29/03/2022 – 伯明翰鬥牛場市集之旅Trip to the Bull Ring markets

名額 Quota:15 (每節 Each Session)
語言 Language:英語 English
費用 Fee : 全免Free of charge
報名方法 Registration : bit.ly/3IFMRGH

如有查詢,請電郵至Samantha Shaw at Samantha.shaw@groundwork.org.uk
For more information, please contact Samantha Shaw at Samantha.shaw@groundwork.org.uk

Organised by Groundwork & Hongkongers in Britain Mission PERM

#英國港僑協會 #移英港人 #MissionPerm #移英港人家園計劃 #移民英國 #BNO #伯明翰
#Birmingham #BirminghamCityCentre #BirminghamCanals #BullRingmarkets