感謝 Trafford Hongkongers CIC 主辦今次「燈謎展覽暨香港紀錄片放映會」,活動剛在上星期日結束,近100人參與,場面熱鬧。燈謎的確考起大小朋友腦筋!當日放映會播放而了四套香港真實紀錄片,導演及觀眾們在映後分享會的熱情誠參與,實在感恩大家能夠聚在一起,互動交流。希望很快再見大家!

Trafford Hongkongers CIC's Lantern Riddles Exhibition and Hong Kong Documentary Screening was held last Sunday, lantern riddles were really a challenge to adults and kids! Director and audiences participated with full passion, they also exchanged ideas about the movie, which is quite a thoughtful day.

#英國港僑協會 #HongkongersinBritain #trafford #manchester #liverpool #warrington #crewe
#northwich #chester #Hongkongers #lunarnewyear #yearoftiger2022 #volunteer #hongkongese
#cantonese #documentary #lanternriddles #protestmovement