Forwarded from The Hong Kong Scots
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Winter Solstice Tea Gathering in Scotland


Do you miss Winter Solstice gatherings? We have got you covered! Join us in our upcoming Winter Solstice tea gathering where we can enjoy glutinous rice balls and snacks and catch up with one another! See you there!

活動詳情 / Details :

日期 / Date :
For Aberdeen - 16/12/2023 (星期六/ Saturday)
For Glasgow - 17/12/2023 (星期日/ Sunday)

時間 / Time : 3:30pm - 5:30pm (英國時間 / UK Time)

地點 / Venue :
16 Dec - Tillydrone Community Centre Gordon‘s Mills Rd, Aberdeen AB24 2RG
17 Dec - Govan and Linthouse Parish Church 796 Govan Road G51 2YL

語言 / Languages : 粤語及英語 / Cantonese and English

報名方法 / Registration :

查詢 / Enquiries :

Disclaimer: Personal data collected will be used for this activity or case-related purpose only. For detailed information please refer to our privacy policy