英格蘭西北區社區共融論壇於 2月 6日在曼徹斯特中央圖書館順利舉行。論壇由 Trafford Council 主席 Tom Ross 議員為我們揭開序幕,並邀請到20多位來自議會、地方組織、學術界、警方和香港社區團體的嘉賓講者分享關於區內的支援、融合、保護和安全等議題。活動吸引了超過 80 名居於英格蘭西北部的香港人及少數族裔人士參與,成功爲參加者提供一個了解和討論社區需要的平台。

The inaugural North West Community Forum was successfully held on 6 Feb at Manchester Central Library. Officiated by the Leader of Trafford Council councillor Mr. Tom Ross, the event gathered over 80 members of the community from Hong Kong and other ethnic minorities living in North West England. Over 20 speakers from Councils, VCSEs, academia, police and Hong Kong community groups spoke on issues such as help, support, integration, protection and safety. The event proved to be a fruitful occasion for discussing how can the community be a safer and more inclusive one for all.

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#社區共融論壇2023 #社區共融論壇 #CommunityForum #社區論壇
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