#ABC_challenge  #Anywherebutchina

**The ABC Christmas Gifts you cannot miss!
🌶🌶🌶How spicy can you eat? Chilli shop has a wide variety of chili sauces ranging from not too hot to the current world record Carolina Reaper! If you are heading for heat and want some excitement for your gift, don’t miss this only local chili shop in Leeds!
Shop owner Frank recommended chilli product from Philippines (£6.50), it taste like “Chiu Chow Chilli sauce” we added to the wonton noodles!


🌶🌶🌶你喜歡吃辣嗎? 譚仔你可以食大辣嗎? 如果你是無辣不歡的話, 你就一定要來CHILLI SHOP 逛一逛! 這間全列斯唯一的辣椒專門店, 搜羅了世界各地的辣椒名醬, 包括了世界紀錄最辣的產品Carolina Reaper!

老闆Frank 表示支持港人,亦特別推薦這款來自菲律賓的辣椒油(£6.50),味道和我們平時食雲吞麵加的潮州辣椒油有幾分相似,但這款更有後勁, 辣味和焦香味持續,值得一試!

Shop Name: Chilli Shop
Address: 70 Merrion Street, Merrion Centre, Leeds LS2 8LW
FB: Chilli-shop leeds merrion centre

(Hongkongers in Leeds 列斯手足連線)

#leeds #yorkshire #uk #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #liberatehongkong #revolutionofourtimes