引自 Instagram @danielkwoktk :
蘇格蘭香港人 Scottish Hongkongers正在計劃於10月初在蘇格蘭舉辦《因為愛所以革命》放映活動。

票價預計為£8-16,最後定價會​​視乎 放映版權費用、場地租用和參加人數而定。



Scottish Hongkongers is planning to organise the screening of Love in the Time of Revolution at 8/10-16/10.

The estimated ticket price is£8-16 . The actual fare will be set depending on the cost of copyright for screening, rent of the venue and number of attendees.

The survey will help us to estimate the number of attendees. Once the event to be held, we will contact those who intend to participate for purchasing the tickets.

The event is non-profit making.

因為愛所以革命》蘇格蘭放映會意向調查 Opinion survey on the screening of Love in the Time of Revolution in Scotlan