Hong Kong Democracy Movement
【更正:圖中應為「叛亂」可判終身】 基本法廿三條立法,條例今早刊憲,稍後隨即在立法會首讀,條文規定,叛國、叛亂和煽惑叛亂,最高可判處終身監禁,間諜活動、危害國安的破壞活動可以判監 20 年,外界關注的「隱匿叛國」,即明知他人意圖叛國而不披露可判監 14 年,而現時罪行下最高判監 2 年的煽動,就加碼到最高可以判 7 年。 另外值得留意的是,條文大量加入涉及「勾結境外勢力」的元素,干犯多項罪行若涉及「勾結境外勢力」,最高刑罰都會提高約 3 年,而有別於北京直接訂立的國安法,廿三條立法中並無列明各罪行的最低刑期。…
Concerns arise over Hong Kong's Article 23 law: ambiguity, freedom erosion, and expanded police powers. Life imprisonment for treason, up to 20 years for spying, and higher sentences for incitement. Critics fear press freedom restrictions and human rights implications.

Critics raise concerns about Hong Kong's Article 23 law: ambiguity, threats to freedom of expression, expanded police powers, erosion of civil liberties, and impact on autonomy. Lack of public consultation adds to worries. Safeguarding rights while addressing security is crucial.

#Article23 #HongKong #Freedom #Security