Hong Kong Democracy Movement
卡梅倫: 23條立法不符中英聯合聲明及多項定義模糊 中方批評別有用心虛偽雙標 https://channelchk.com/a/16663 香港《基本法》23條立法諮詢期剛於周三(28日)結束,英國外相卡梅倫(David Cameron)發表聲明,表示香港必須確保國家安全立法符合國際標準,維護《中英聯合聲明》、《基本法》、《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》及《經濟、社會及文化權利國際公約》中規定保障人權和自由的義務。 而港府於1月30日公佈的立法方案並未履行這些義務,將對香港市民行使其權利和自由產生負面影…
UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron criticizes the proposed legislation for Article 23 in Hong Kong, stating it does not comply with the Sino-British Joint Declaration and has vague definitions. He emphasizes the need for national security legislation to meet international standards and uphold human rights and freedoms. The Hong Kong government's current proposal fails to fulfill these obligations and could negatively impact the rights and freedoms of Hong Kong citizens. Cameron urges the government to reconsider the plan and genuinely consult the people of Hong Kong. #Article23 #HongKong #HumanRights