(Censorship in private companies: Apple)

Selected HK-related keywords, censored by Apple in Hong Kong:

● 六合彩 (Mark Six, Hong Kong's lottery)
● 不自由毋寧死 (give me liberty or give me death)
● 专制 (autocracy)
● 专政 (dictatorship)
● 五大訴求 (Five Demands)
● 人大代表 (National People's Congress delegate)
● 人權 (Human rights)
● 佔中 (Occupy Central; initial name for the 2014 Umbrella Movement in HK)
● 光復 (Free; as in Free Hong Kong)
● 區政府 (regional government; could also form part of "Government of the [Hong Kong] Special Administrative Region")
● 南華早報 (South China Morning Post)
● 只有暴政 (Only tyranny; as in "there are no rioters, only tyranny")
● 學民思潮 (Scholarism; former student activist group created by Joshua Wong )
● 願榮光歸香港 (Glory to Hong Kong; protest anthem)
● 我要真普選 (I want genuine universal suffrage)
● 持不同政見 ("of different political opinions"; dissident; also used by the HK government to refer to the "white shirts" involved in the July 21 Yuen Long attacks)
● 時代革命 (Revolution Of Our Times)
● 民主牆 (Democracy Wall; i.e. Lennon Walls on university campuses)
● 没有暴徒 (There Are No Rioters)
● 港獨 (HK independence)
● 缺一不可 (Not One Less)
● 雨傘運動 (Umbrella Movement)
● 香港明报 (Mingpao Hong Kong; HK-based newspaper)
● 黑警 (corrupt / "black" cops)

Note: topics typically filtered inside China - i.e. Tibet, Uyghurs, dissidents, Taiwanese independence, Falun Gong, (nick)names of prominent CCP leaders (both in and out of favour), civil liberties, CCP government apparatus (e.g. NPC, Propaganda Department) etc - can also be found on the HK list. Various homonyms are also censored.

Full list of censored keywords, as tested by Citizen Lab:

