[12.06 Berlin Protest: 2nd Anniversary of 612]
Cohost with Hongkonger in Deutschland e.V. and IGFM_de

June 12, 2019 was the day we stood out and fought against the passing of the Extradition Bill, which would have allowed Hongkongers to be extradited to Mainland China, where there is no fair trial.

Now, Hongkongers face an even bigger threat to their rights and freedoms. Thanks to the National Security Law, Hongkongers cannot even hold peaceful protests. Rights and freedoms are frequently encroached upon, while the police force still has not been hold accountable for its actions during the protests.

The responsibility to continue the fight, however difficult and hard, falls to us Hongkongers who are outside of Hong Kong. Let us not forget those who are still oppressed. Join us to carry on the struggle.

#Savethedate #StandwithHongKong #FightForFreedom #HKBeWater2021

Event link: https://fb.me/e/208rQHtrd