[Petition to The Parliament of Federal Republic of Germany]
(Eng/Chi Video on petition procedure and Eng translation of petition are shown in comments!!!)

Stopp der humanitären Krise in Hongkong mit sofortigen konkreten Maßnahmen durch die Bundesregierung vom 23.09.2019
Bundestag Petition 99604

Website: https://epetitionen.bundestag.de/content/petitionen/_2019/_09/_23/Petition_99604.html

Wir müssen 50000 Unterschriften sammeln, jetzt sind nur noch 27 Tage übrig! Bitte unterschreiben und teilen Sie die Petition!
Stop the humanitarian crisis in Hong Kong with immediate concrete measures by the Federal Government

As the whole website is in German, we made a step-by-step teaching video in English and Chinese on signing the petition, as well as English translation of petition (attached in the comment in https://www.facebook.com/germanyswhk/posts/155688099139149).

We need to gather 50000 signatures, now only 27 days are left! Please sign and share the petition!

由於聯署網頁(於英譯版上方)是全德語,我們特意製作中英文的教學短片和發佈英譯的聯署信(在Facebook 貼文https://www.facebook.com/germanyswhk/posts/155688099139149 的留言),協助大家了解聯署程序。
