近日流行玩OpenAI嘅GPTChat,有網民都試吓問佢關於TVB嘅資訊,例如TVB聲譽如何、點解TVB叫做CCTVB等,不過出嚟嘅答案似乎唔會令 #曾志偉、#黎瑞剛 滿意🥹 Elon Musk你等收律師信啦!




「Allegations of nepotism(用人唯親): TVB has been accused of promoting the careers of certain actors and actresses based on their personal relationships rather than their talent or merit.」

「TVB News has been criticized by some for its perceived lack of independence and for prioritizing commercial interests over journalistic integrity.(新聞缺乏獨立性,商業利益凌駕於新聞誠信)」