We're on again, team.

We broke records last weekend on November 20, come December 18th, we'll smash them again.

We have 25 days to advertise and bring in as many new people as we can, to stand against the current dictatorship that thinks they can force us into taking an experimental injection, that does not stop you from catching or spreading the virus which has a 99.98% survival rate and an average age of death of 84, with multiple pre-existing serious underlying issues. We say NO!

Vaccinated, Unvaccinated, Black, White, Rich and Poor all welcome. We stand UNITED!

Everyone's task between now and the 18th of December, is to organise to bring at least two more people each. Fill your car, fill the bus, fill the train and help make history.

Notice the later start time of 3pm. Expect a rally with a slight twist of something special.
Details to be released on each state poster in coming days.

See you all there.


#AUS #Sat1812
#Adelaide #Brisbane #Darwin #Hobart #Melbourne #Sydney #Perth
