It's time for the TERRITORY TO STAND...and take the day off work!

🔸What: Territory wide STRIKE, and MARCH against parliament!
🔸When: #Wed2710
🔸Where: Territory WIDE
🔸Why: To oppose vaccine and medical mandates. FREEDOM OF UNCOERCED CHOICE!

Gunner has declared it that many territorians will lose their jobs come November 13th.
Let's all UNITE to show the Gunner government what it's like when the territory comes together and loses workers for a day!
- Let's make them realise how easily we can bleed THEIR pockets dry!!
- Let's remind them that they work for US!
- Let's remind them who REALLY MAKES THIS TERRITORY RUN!
- Let's remind them what Territory spirit, People power and "we are all in this together" REALLY MEAN!

Call in sick, stressed, take leave, declare a mental health day or claim personal/emergency leave. Stay home. Go fishing. Catch up with mates. COME TO THE RALLY AT MIDDAY!

TOGETHER we are STRONG! ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿

#AUS #Darwin