

全程需時大約5至6小時,屬於低至中級難度路線。 暖氣軍師撐香港已安排記者在當日拍攝,如果你不希望被拍攝或採訪,可預先通知我們。


JHK is Supporting Hong Kongers in UK to integrate into the society. We are excited to host a 12 mile hike through the countryside of Rickmansworth with a BBC group on the 30th May as part of the Language Exchange program.

The route is covered with natural woodlands and aquatic scenery throughout the countryside of Chiltern valley.

The route will take approximately 5 – 6 hours, level of difficulty is Easy - intermediate. JHK have arranged journalists to do filming during the day, please inform us if you would like to be excluded from filming and interview on the day.

Please let us know ASAP if you’re interested and share this event to your loved ones. JHK is looking forward to seeing you there for this walk of solidarity on the 30th May. Spaces are limited.

Please PM JHK to obtain the password to book onto the event.

與在英同路人連線 ,了解最新消息:
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/justitiahk?s=21
MeWe: https://mewe.com/i/justitiahongkong

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