This Sunday, @hongkongarmuseum will hop into the physical world again, featuring at @lampofliberty ‘s mini-exhibition in #Seattle. Through augmented reality, we bring to life many disappearing scenes of Hong Kong. Stop by to experience the lost cultures and undersold stories of Hong Kong.

HK AR Museum 今個星期日會再次跳入實體世界,喺 #西雅圖 參與 @lampofliberty 籌辦的實體展覽,透過一系列圍繞着香港人價值、精神、民生同文化嘅虛擬展品,希望多啲人了解香港獨有文化,同點解佢會逐漸消失。約定你今個星期日同我地一齊穿越時空,搵返消失咗嘅香港!

Date: Sunday June 12
Time: 3pm-7pm
Location: SIFF Film Center (305 Harrison St, Seattle, WA 98109)

#612三週年 #展覽 #US