初選無罪 Stand with Hong Kong 47
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< Not Guilty— Stand with Hong Kong 47>
In 2020, the pro-democracy camp held a primary to select numbers of candidates for the September Legislative Council election to maximise the chance for the pro-democrats to achieve the "35+" majority in the Legislative Council. 47 pro-democracy advocates were charged with "conspiring to subvert state power" under the Hong Kong National Security Law (NSL). This is the largest national security case in Hong Kong after the implementation of NSL. Cases under the NSL are heard by specific judges handpicked by the chief executive and do not have a jury. The 47 are facing a maximum of life sentences. The fairness of the trial raises international awareness. The majority of the "Hong Kong 47" were held in custody without bail for over 700 days before their trial began. Only a few were granted bail, but with harsh conditions such as limited freedom of speech.

It is controversial for a few of the "Hong Kong 47" chose to become prosecution witnesses and testify against their co-defendants. Some may accuse them as traitors. We have no clue about their difficulties and worries, but we should realise that the "Hong Kong 47" case is injustice after all. It is absolutely lawful for the pan-democrats to hold a primary to allow their voters to choose their representatives. Through primary, the candidates' credibility and representativeness increase, allowing the people's voices to be heard in the Legislative Council. Primaries are commonly seen in democratic nations in the world, and it should never be a crime to hold a primary. The CCP knew that the pro-Beijing candidates were less popular than the pan-democrats. Hence, they choose to silence the people's voice by modifying the election mechanism and using NSL to suppress all opposition. Our voice is not being heard anymore, our voice is buried deep underground; We lost our freedom, our rule of law, our land we called home. All our loss is not the fault of the "Hong Kong 47", not the fault of whoever chose to betray. The root of the evil is the CCP and its puppet Hong Kong Communist Government.

The "Hong Kong 47" are in urgent need of our support. Our fellow Hongkongers are suppressed and cannot speak up in Hong Kong. Therefore, living in the land of freedom, we should stand out and speak for them. We need to stand up for their rights and show the world the unfairness of the Hong Kong government and the CCP. So we urge your support in this joint campaign with participating cities to stand for the politically persecuted "Hong Kong 47" and all other Hongkongers in jail or on trial.

More information:

大量港人經BN(O) Visa在過去兩年遷移英國。BN(O)身份港人作為英聯邦公民,可在國會及地方選舉投票,有權向所屬選區的國會議員表達意見。為了推動英國政府加快行動,我們邀請大家發電郵予當地國會議員表達您對香港47人案的關注,向共匪政權實施馬格尼茨制裁。

現附上✉️電郵範本 及📌列出要點,望閣下能以自己的文字完成全文。您可以按個人所想作出增刪,表達您的意見和訴求。

電郵範本: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LG3I5VPx7Bv9UugYQZCjl1YZRO8nRQp5vaMzYMuZ_0A/edit

【WRITE TO YOUR MP】 📢 Ask the UK Gov’t to act! The trial of the Hong Kong 47

In the past two years, a record number of Hong Kongers left Hong Kong for the UK. BN(O) Hong Kongers, as Commonwealth Citizens, are eligible for voting in parliamentary and local elections. As such, they also have a right to be represented by their respective MPs. We urge Hong Kongers to write to their MPs in order to express our concerns for deteriorating freedoms in Hong Kong, and press the UK Government for sanctions that make perpetrators accountable for their abuse.

We provide a ✉️template email with 📌key points for you to write to your MP, asking them to escalate your concerns to the relevant ministers or government agencies.

Template: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LG3I5VPx7Bv9UugYQZCjl1YZRO8nRQp5vaMzYMuZ_0A/edit

It may take a couple of weeks for Members of Parliament to reply to you. Remember, it takes time and effort to develop a productive and lasting relationship with your local representatives.
需要47名手足默站。默站時其他手足們會舉起有關案件之文宣,以讓本地人了解及關注。 人數,時間,實際內容由各地區組織自行決定,將會舉辦默站的城市有:
1. 伯明瀚 Birmingham: 15/4/2023 (Sat)
2. 碧仙桃 Bristol: 15/4/2023 (Sat) 14:00-16:00
3. 愛丁堡 Edinburgh: 15/4/2023 (Sat) 15:00
4. 列斯 Leeds: 15/4/2023 (Sat) 12:00-15:00
5. 倫敦 London: 待定
6. 諾定咸 Nottingham: 15/4/2023 (Sat) 13:30
7. 雷丁 Reading: 待定
8. 雪埠 Sheffield: 16/4/2023 (Sun) 13:00-15:00
9. 薩頓 Sutton: 15/4/2023 (Sat)

1. 侵犯人權

2. 破壞司法獨立,影響法律公義
最高可判終身監禁的案件不設陪審團,由3名國安法指定法官組成審判庭處理,無視英國將香港交予中共時承諾保留的《普通法》制度,以《國安法》破壞香港持之以恒的法律。《國安法》條文模糊不清,強行把中國的刑法套用在香港普通法制度,目前條文所指「勾結外國勢力」和「恐怖活動」的定義並不清楚,如何解讀這些罪行的權力均在於全國人大常委會而非香港法院。《國安法》推出不足三年就已經要由人大釋法, 可見龍門任佢搬。

3. 違反《中英聯合聲明》及《基本法》
Silent in show of solidarity – "47 detained without trial"
We are looking for 47 volunteers to stand in silence. Volunteers will also display posters regarding the case. We hope this will raise awareness of this case among the public. The local groups can decide on the number of participants, time and content. Cities that will be hosting silent in show of solidarity are:
1. Birmingham: 15/4/2023 (Sat)
2. Bristol: 15/4/2023 (Sat) 14:00 - 16:00
3. Edinburgh: 15/4/2023 (Sat) 15:00
4. Leeds: 15/4/2023 (Sat) 12:00 - 15:00
5. London: T.B.C
6. Nottingham: 15/4/2023 (Sat) 13:30
7. Reading: T.B.C
8. Sheffield: 16/4/2023 (Sun) 13:00 - 15:00
9. Sutton: 15/4/2023 (Sat)

Posters should focus on the following three topics.
A) Violation of Human Rights
Most of those arrested were denied bail and have been in custody for over 700 days. They had lost their freedom for almost two years before the trial even started. Only a few of them have been granted bail, but with harsh conditions such as limited freedom of speech. This is undoubtedly a violation of fundamental human rights.

B) Damaging Judicial independence and affecting justice.
Defendants may be subjected to life sentences while the trial is overseen by three handpicked judges and does not have a jury, which is the practice of NSL cases. This violates the usual "Common Law" practice in Hong Kong which is promised by the CCP when British handover Hong Kong. In addition, the terms used in NSL are vague and left uninterpreted, creating a climate of fear and stifling free speech. For example, the definitions of terms such as "collusion with foreign or external forces" and "Terrorism" are unclear. Beijing has the power to interpret the law, but not any Hong Kong judicial or policy body. Recently, the Chief Executive invited Beijing to interpret NSL and Beijing overruled Hong Kong courts to allow authorities to bar British barristers from security law trials. This shows that NSL destroys the entire integrity of Hong Kong's legal system to allow rule by decree.

C) Breach of Sino-British Joint Declaration and Basic Law
The Sino-British Joint Declaration has assured that the way of living of Hongkongers will remain unchanged for 50 years and will have a high degree of autonomy. Nevertheless, the NSL drafted by the CCP intruded into Hong Kong, destroyed the original judicial system of Hong Kong and deprived freedom of Hongkongers. This has apparently gone against the Sino-British Joint Declaration.
Article 26 of the Basic Law safeguards the right to vote and stand for elections of Hong Kong residents. Furthermore, Article 28 of the Basic Law protects Hong Kong residents from arbitrary or unlawful arrest, detention or imprisonment. The "Hong Kong 47" were arrested because of standing for election and jailed before trial, this practice has apparently violated the Basic Law.
每年5月,英國全國或部份地方議會都會 舉行選舉,選出新一屆地方議會議員以 管理城鎮。為確保你可以參與是次選舉,請及早完成選民登記。


可使用你的郵政編碼於 https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/ 查詢。

可於 https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote 進行網上登記。


若你希望參與是次選舉,須於 4月17日 (英格蘭) / 4月28日 (北愛爾蘭) 午夜前登記。

不需要,除非你更改了姓名、地址 或國籍。
Every May, councils up and down the UK elect some or all of their councillors to run the town. To ensure that you can vote in this election, please complete the voter registration as soon as possible.

When will the election happen?
May 4 (England) and May 18 (NI)

Any election in my area? Who can I vote for?
Check your postcode at https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/

How Can I Register?
Register online at https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote

Am I eligible?
The system will check your eligibility on the fly.

Any deadline for registration?
If you want to vote in this election, register before midnight on April 17 (England) / April 28 (NI)

Do I need to register again?
No, unless you have changed your name, address or nationality.



寫信師懶人包: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kwiWCcmCD_M_bXbJ8hbygxO2cA-xnSP_oP0EP15rVUU/edit?usp=sharing

✍️ 筆友配對 / 信件中轉站:
封信子 instagram.com/fung1seon3zi2
燕子生命 instagram.com/swallowlife.hk
天水連線 instagram.com/tswconnection
比比夢想屋 instagram.com/rubydreamhouse
稜支援 instagram.com/link__support
毋鳴 instagram.com/bugle.2019

📝 寫信分享:
Handwriting Letters instagram.com/handwritingletters
比比夢想屋 instagram.com/rubydreamhouse
We sincerely hope more of you can take a brief moment to write to the 47 case related politicians as well as other political prisoners. Until February 2022, there are over 2,800 Hongkongers prosecuted, detained, or convicted of charges relating to the 2019-2020 protests. This number does not include charges and conviction on the ‘National Security Law’. They also need your caring and support, we have not forgotten them.

If you do not have the experience of letter writing yet, please refer to the ‘Easy guides’ that we provide below. It includes brief regulations on format, recommendations on content, and known correspondence addresses for the Hong Kong 47 case.

In April, there will be pop up stands supporting the 47s across the UK. There will be letter collection points set up with the stands, and we will redirect your letters back to Hong Kong.

Easy Guides for “Be a Pen Friend”: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12CXffU-K7ATN-XjLGsyXvmyEhbQHPDDYERuZHntu870/edit?usp=sharing
「初選無罪,政治打壓可恥」NOT GUILTY! 持續更新!!! Keep Updating!!!
*更新 Update [8.4.2023]
**更新 Update [9.4.2023]
***更新 Update [11.4.2023]
****更新 Update [12.4.2023]
*****更新 Update [13.4.2023]

英國不同地方組織聯合推動「初選無罪- 聲援香港47人案聯合行動」,現更獲其他海外港人組織支持,成為全球性的共同行動。希望所有離散港人支持及參與是次活動,聲援遭受政治逼害的47人以至其他在囚手足。
Serval Hongkongers organisation co-organised “NOT GUILTY – Stand with Hong Kong 47” Campaign. Some other overseas Hongkongers organisations are joining us now! We urge your support in this joint campaign with participating cities to stand for the politically persecuted "Hong Kong 47" and all other Hongkongers in jail or on trial.

The participating cities are as follow:

英國城市 British Cities:
1. 伯明翰 Birmingham:
15/4/2023 (Sat) 10:00 – 18:00
The Custard Factory, 521 Gibb Street, Deritend, Birmingham (B9 4AA) - 香港大笪地內 (非默站, no silent standing)
2. 碧仙桃 Bristol:
15/4/2023 (Sat) 14:00-16:00
Cascade Steps (BS1 4XJ)
3. 愛丁堡 Edinburgh:
15/4/2023 (Sat) 15:00
Duke of Wellington Equestrian statue, Edinburgh (EH1 3BG)
4. 列斯 Leeds:
15/4/2023 (Sat) 12:00-15:00
Victoria Square (Outside Leeds Art Gallery) (LS1 3AB)
5. 倫敦 London:
23/4/2023 (Sun) 14:00
National Threatre (Southbank) SE1 9PX 14:00-14:30 > London Eye 14:30-15:15 > Parliament Square (Westminster) 15:30-16:00
6. 曼徹斯特 Manchester:
15/4/2023 (Sat) 14:30
Market Street, Manchester Arndale
7. 諾定咸 Nottingham:
15/4/2023 (Sat) 13:30
Old Market Square (NG1 2BS)
8. 雷丁 Reading:
15/4/2023 (Sat) 11:00-12:00
Broad Street, Reading
9. 雪埠 Sheffield:
16/4/2023 (Sun) 13:00-15:00
Fargate, Sheffield City Centre
10. 薩頓 Sutton:
15/4/2023 (Sat) 14:30 – 15:30
Trinity Square, High street, Sutton (SM1 1DU)
其他海外城市 Other Overseas Cities:
11. 美國三藩市 San Francisco (US):
15/4/2023 (Sat) 11:00
Union square in San Francisco
12. 澳洲悉尼 Sydney (Australia):
15/4/2023 (Sat) 11:00 – 13:00
Circular Quay, Sydney, NSW Australia
13. 臺北 Taipei (Taiwan):
16/4/2023 (Sun) 14:00 – 16:00
14. 加拿大溫哥華 Vancouver (Canada):
16/4/2023 (Sun) 13:00 – 15:00
Vancouver Downtown Robson Square
*15. 澳洲墨爾本 Melbourne (Australia):
16/4/2023 (Sun) 14:00 - 16:00
Outside State Library Victoria
*16. 荷蘭阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam (Netherlands):
16/4/2023 (Sun) 12:00-15:00
De Dam 水壩廣場
**17. 加拿大哈里法斯 Halifax, nova Scotia (Canada):
15/4/2023 (Sat) 08:00-13:00
Halifax brewery market
**18.澳洲布里斯本Brisbane (Australia):
16/4/2023 (Sun) 13:00-15:00
King George Square, Brisbane CityNew city:
***19.美國紐約 New York (US)
16/4/2023 (Sun) 14:00
Washington Square Park
****20. 澳洲珀斯Perth (Australia)
15/4/2023 (Sat) 13.00-15.00
WA Parliament House
*****21. 加拿大卡加利 Calgary (Canada)
15/4/2023 (Sat) 1 PM
中領館 1011 6 Ave SW
*****22. 加拿大多倫多Toronto (Canada)
15/4/2023 (Sat) 16:00-18:00
Kennedy Road/Steeles Ave East interchange
Forwarded from 棱角 The Points Global
【「初選無罪」 全球聲援聯合行動4.15~4.16 默站聲援】

「初選無罪」 全球聲援聯合行動,預定在4月15日至4月16日默站聲援47人初選案中的被告,以及所有受到中共及港府逼害的異見人士。目前英國有10個城市響應,而北美、台灣及澳洲均有港人組織響應。


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【初選47人案|全球港人號召周末集會聲援民主派 「初選無罪,打壓可恥」】(附日程表.不斷更新)




#初選47人案 #海外港人 #港區國安法 #港人集會
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